Well, I know that the whole e-shopping experience is overrated, but not when it comes to Mr Porter! Leave it to Nathalie Massenet to create an equaly stunning site for men as per its eqully pretty sister net-a-porter. Mr Porter looks like a complete layout taken from the magazine Fantastic Man, which by the way is another one of my favourite publications. That is not just a copy and paste matter, it is a well founded fact that its creative direction is shared with the magazine´s creative directors and co-founders Jop van Bennekon and Gert Jonkers with, of course, the team of this monthly journal delicatessen supporting them. In Mr Porter, not only you get the most exquisite selection for the modern day male, but it also gives you tips, videos on how to wear them, the season´s top picks, tricks on how to knot your tie or even a stunning image library to potentiate their already precious merchandise. If you round up the whole experience with tailor made service and pampered packaging, you will end up with an extra-sensorial feeling that will be reflected on your bank statement, but nevertheless so worth it! Trust me when I tell you that I am not receiving a single penny from them for recommending it, but I know that most of you will be thanking me for that! Mr Porter you are...Oh so handsome!