Tuesday 3 August 2010

Catherine Baba

A rare bird of paradaise that hails from Australia, Catherine Baba is a stylist based in Paris whose decadence and retro clinical eye illuminates the pages of the most coveted fashion publications. An excellent confident for fashion designers like Haider Ackerman or Steffano Pilatti, her savoire faire and joie de vivre is a constant in her routinary fashionable life. Miss Baba is the object of desire of bloggers like Tommy Ton of Jak and Jil or Garance of Garance Doré, she is a celebrity in all the bistrots around the Rue de Vielle de Temple, where she hangs out smoking her glamour away at the shocking stare of passing by Parisiens and tourists. If you would like to check her portfolio or know a little bit more about this bold gem with strange features and statement style, check her website http://catherinebaba.com/ and you would not be dissapointted, as she herself would  say: "Oui, j´adore ca mon chéri!"